We have about 25-30 dogs all together. 

"Norwegian Hounds", a mix between Vorsther/Greysther and Alaska Husky. And Greysther and Vorsther.

For Kjetil's dogs: k-hi@online.no / +47 90879803

Lena & André have about 7 dogs at home:

Fine Josefine: 10/5-2015, Greysther, about 30 kg, mother Snehvit/father Rambo (Ole Petter Engli)

Spinnvill: 1/7-2015, Greysther, about 25,5 kg, mother Pulka/father X (Kristoffer G Olsen)

Mercedes: 20/6-2018 Greysther, about 27 kg, mother Spinnvill/father Turboprinsen (Greysther)

Kygo: 1/7-2016, Alaska Husky/Greysther, about 33 kg, mother Hexa (AH)/father Gullgutten (Greysther)

Roxy: 9/4-2015, Alaska Husky, about 30 kg, mother Toma (Leegaard)/father Robin (Kjetil Hillestad)

Snuppa: 29/4-2019, Greysther, about 25,5 kg, mother Chili (Lochert)/father Turboprinsen (Greysther)

Sylvi: 10/7-2019, Greysther, about 27 kg, mother Spinnvill/father Turboprinsen (Greysther)

Frøken Norge: 30/8-2017, GSP, about 25,5 kg, Breeder Mikke Petterson


Super Sara: 22/5-2017, Greysther, about 29 kg, mother Fine Josefine/Father (Kristoffer G Olsen)



Miss Alaska and Frøken Norge (pure vorsther). Born spring 2005. 28 kg.

Miss Alaska and Frøken Norge (pure vorsther). Born spring 2005. 28 kg.



09.07.2022 13:11

Hello! I currently have a GSP that I love (my second one that I’ve raised) & I saw an article about the greyster breed. I was wondering if we could discuss the breed, bc I find them to be wonderful!

Nyeste kommentarer

09.07 | 13:11

Hello! I currently have a GSP that I love (my second one that I’ve raised) & I saw an article about the greyster breed. I was wondering if we could discuss the breed, bc I find them to be wonderful!

07.05 | 22:30

Hi! Do you think. You will have puppies this year?

17.10 | 13:53

Hei, ønsker/vurderer greyster valp😊 Er det aktuelle kull fremover?

Vh Anders Liverud

27.08 | 18:20

Jeg har kjøpt en kick-bike av deg, nå vi kjøpe en Greystervalp. Jeg er klar etter sommeren 2021. Er det mulig og til hvilken pris?

Mvh Per Erling Daae

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